Call us on 01383 721626
or email on dunfermlinebc@gmail.com
Dunfermline Bowling Club
Priory Lane, Dunfermline, KY12 7DT

Dunfermline Bowling Club was established in 1852. We have a mixed membership and anyone wishing to come along to "Try Bowls" is always welcome - bowls suits all ages and abilities.
Coaching & equipment is available to new & visiting members
Our season runs from April to September.
Visitors are always welcome or if you want to use our clubhouse - come and talk to us.

What's on 2018
Fancy trying bowls- Come along to the club any Saturday morning ( 20th May- 29th September ), between 10.00am and 12.00 Noon ( weather permitting ). Just bring along a pair of flat soles, heel-less shoes ( eg trainers ).
All other equipment will be provided.
If Saturday morning is not suitable, please get in touch with our Club Coach, Syd Fraser 07714765867, to arrange an alternative time.
Visitors are always welcome.
Need a space for a meeting, regular group or social event? Our clubhouse can take max 60 and is available - get in touch.

Our links
We have longstanding links with Clubs and Associations across Scotland and they all have lots of information to share
Bowls Scotland - our Governing Body and the place to find out more information about bowling in Scotland
West Fife Bowling Association has the results for the Gents Leagues updated regularly so for anyone looking to know what's happening follow the link.
Interested in our club?
Contact us using the form below and we will be in touch soon.